Wood Pallet Furniture

30 Plus Innovative Pallet Recycling Projects

The creative people know how to use the recycled wood pallets to inspire others with their creation, nothing is better than the furniture that is created at home using the wood that is of no use other than utilizing it to decorate the home in a unique way. When it comes to adorn the home, reclaimed wooden pallets can be used for the wall art, making dressing table with mirror fitted on it, creating bench for the garden and creating shelves for the storage for buying which people spend their hard earned money that can be saved for other purposes.

The playhouse can be made with the pallets, but the main issue is to make it attractive for which the paints of many colors can be used. The idea of creating a stylish playhouse is presented here, which is not simple; but can be created with ease by cutting the wooden pallets. The wheel attached to the playhouse makes it easy to shift it anywhere without lifting it.

The haunted playhouse made by Pallets. Roof was new timber. Plywood door.  Don Carpenter

Placing the reclaimed pallet patio furniture in the patio is the perfect idea for those who don’t want anything common in their home. The individuals who are style-conscious can create patio furniture at home, making a bench with the table shown here is awesome.

My first pallet project ?? still got proseco table to finish but love it.  Debbie Terry Barlow

The idea of wood pallet garden deck and furniture presented is praiseworthy because it will make the garden admirable, it is good to adorn the home with own hands and skills. The garden deck is not a difficult task to prepare, but it requires a few days and as much furniture items can be added as a person desires.

My very First pallet project 😉 what do you think?  Sandro Bottaro

If anyone is a cold drink lover, then creating a cooler with the recycling wood pallet is the unique idea because it can be placed anywhere and can be taken out of the home with ease.

Our pallet cooler this summer! Complete with a magnetic opener.  Kristen Folcik Stadalnik

People visit different stores in search of the vintage vanity, which they can place in their bedroom for the makeup; but a few of them know that they can prepare it at home by utilizing the reclaimed pallets. The vintage vanity shown here is innovative and looks amazing when it comes to the styling the room.

Created & Shared by:  Wanda Goode Wicker

If anyone doesn’t want the kitchen cabinets for the storage of the kitchen utensils, but a unique thing to impress the visitors; then creating a kitchen shelf is a good option. The great thing about the upcycled wooden pallet kitchen shelf is that the person can add as many shelves as required.

Shared by:  Lisa Taylor

People who are worried because of less space available in their home, but they want seating arrangement as well as want to decorate the home with the plants can make a recycled wood pallet bench with attached planters. The idea is presented here, which is innovative and will make the area inspiring.

My mother liked my pallet bench and FINALLY decided to have me build her one. She couldn’t decided if she wanted both planters high, or low, or one of each lol. Took her all summer to decide lmao! Top is mine, bottom is hers.  Preston Shearer

Preparing a wood pallet cooler bench is good for those who want to enjoy the summer season while enjoying in their lawn because cold drinks are necessary to cool down the body temperature on a hot day.

Pallet Cooler bench is done.  Randy Robey


Just made this beach chair with storage inside the table. Made from 2- 7ft. Pallets. Customized the size from my original design.all my design!  Eric Kremer


Created & Shared by:  Sue Brooks


Above few of mud kitchens I make from pallets and reclaimed wood. Anyone else make them? Looking for inspiration for different designs.  Chris Smith


Created & Shared by:  Carlos Valdes


Our living room. Walls are pallet wood.  Greg Miller


these are a few pallet projects I made all my own design! hope you like them!  Eric Kremer


Created & Shared by:  Jesus Trujillo


First attempt at making something from pallets.  Jake Squirrell


Here is a couple pallet wood projects that I have done  Joe Perkey


A quick wooden pallet shelf I made after work  George Koeturius III


Created & Shared by:  Alex Gonzales


Pallet patio grill and chill!  Leo James Miller


Created & Shared by:  Angelo Galindo Urbina


Here is my first pallet project completed a few months ago. A headboard for our guest bedroom:  Adam Morris


Love my beautiful pallet wood birdhouse bench made by talented hubby Mark Brooks! So adorable!  Donna Poss Brooks


Shared by:  Holly Foster


Pallet bar! What do you guys think?  Tony Lande


Created & Shared by:  Chris Jackson


Just got done making this beautiful coffee table for CHARITY auction tomorrow !Only pallets used no new or bought wood ! It’s been a while but it feels good getting back in it !  Dan Goodwin


Created & Shared by:  Don Carpenter


Created & Shared by:  Don Carpenter


Finished with this wine bar. Has pallet wood top and bottom shelf, old cedar shutters for the sides. Has a hook to hang the corkscrew and a mason jar attached for the corks.  Victor Hardy


Just wanted to show y’all my pallet project I made today. I wanted to do something different then the dual sided scarecrow and snowman. Tell me what y’all think.  Dustin Winters


Created & Shared by:  Adam Uhrich


American Flag Under-shelf Coffee Table.  Seth Winstead


Created & Shared by:  Andrew Barden