A person always needs a storage space because it seems less no matter how much it is in the home, so we prefer to show the ideas which can increase the storage space in the home and never makes it look weird or occupy much space. The idea of reclaimed wood pallet made shelving cabinet we are going to show you here can be copied for the kitchen as well as for the living room of the home because it is not weird in looks and it will give enough space to store the items as well as decorate the area.
Have a look at the shelving cabinet; there are spaces of different sizes in it. You can see the boxes of different length and width to place the decorative items to make the area look appealing if the idea is copied for the TV launch.
Now see the repurposed wood pallet shelving cabinet from one side, it is as neat as it is looking from the front. The pallets can be painted with any color according to the furniture placed in the room where it is to be settled and it will look good in any color.
If a person wants to copy this idea for the kitchen, then it is great because kitchen needs enough space to place the utensils as well as the crockery. The glass and the plates that are used when the guests are in home and the person doesn’t want them often can be placed in the spaces that are on the upper most layer and the items of daily use as well as the spice bottles can be placed in the layers that are easily accessible. This upcycled wood pallet shelving plan is an awesome way of increasing the storage space or decoration demand of the home.
Created & Shared by: Edwin Alberto